Late Night Thoughts

Stop wishing and start’s as simple as that. Now, I just need to start living by this…


Emotional Detachment I am as emotional as emotional can get. There is no other way to describe just how much of an emotional person I am. Now, don’t get me wrong- this does not mean I am not happy or I am always serious. Contrary…

Clear Mind

Five Things I Do To Clear My Mind.  I space out a lot. My mind wanders a lot. I get jumbled up in my own thoughts for hours. Sometimes I just sit there, staring into empty space without a reason. The moment I start experiencing…


5 Things I have learned in the past 5 years… 1) Regrets – It’s okay to have regrets. Admitting to yourself that you failed, that you messed something up or did something stupid is Okay! Stop associating regrets with negative connotations. It is human to…


The Little Things- Part 1  I was driving home today and while sitting in traffic, I saw a little girl get filled with excitement when the flurries started coming down. Somehow, in some weird way– her excitement and innocence made me realize that we often overlook…
